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Everything posted by gaoesa

  1. You probably changed the execution of the silent.cfg so that the map command is executed before the config is loaded. I'm not sure if g_XPSave is an archived cvar, meaning the server would remember the old value between server restarts. Might be a good option to add to it if it is not.
  2. If the XP saves between maps but not between full restarts, it indicates that the g_XPSave is set to "0" when starting the server and then changes to the value you have in your config file. Please check that it is not so. When ever the g_XPSave is zero when the mod initializes, it will clear the old stored XP from players.
  3. Dookie, whats wrong with the built in functionality? http://mygamingtalk.com/forums/topic/2295-custom-vote/ http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#shrubbot.cfg
  4. There's no solution for it in 0.8.2.
  5. There was a change on how the color chracters are checked. That is probably the reason why you get this problem now.
  6. The problem is indeed that the game loads the etmain by default and the screen mode settings are set from there. Only option to reliably keep settings that I know would be to change the settings in the etmain, but it doesn't sound right to change the settings for other mods from silEnT. Another option could be to force vid_restart, but that might not be what the player wants either.
  7. Using forcecvar on com_hunkmegs has no effect. The reason is that the client game would need to be completely restarted.
  8. The silent.cfg is in the etmain when unzipping the downloaded silent package. If you copied only the silent directory to the server, please also copy the silent.cfg. It can be put to silent directory also if you like. The unzip places it to etmain for historic reasons only.
  9. The in-game menu is not in the etmain directory but in the silent directory. It will override the original menu. In the etmain directory you override the etmain menu.
  10. The sound that is played for private messages is "sound/silent/privatemessage.wav", if you want to replace the mod default with a custom sound. There isn't any cvars to disable the sound from playing, if I remember correctly, so you probably have a custom pack with a silent sound on your server. The sound file is the same for adminchat and for private messages.
  11. I don't understand this question. Do you mean programmatically or do you want to replace the sound? After I understand the question, I will estimate if I feel too lazy to search the answer for you.
  12. * Added: g_goatSound server cvar to enable/disable goat sounds on knife kills. * Added: enemy team objective carry indicator (http://mygamingtalk....reen-indicator/). Use g_misc flag 1024 to enable it on the server and cg_objcarry client cvar to enable it in the HUD. * Fixed: Players carrying objectives are now shown correctly. * Fixed: !useredit was not able to set level higher than 99 when executed as rcon. !setlevel was working correctly. * Fixed: The name of the disguised covert op was not drawn to spectators. * Fixed: The class icon in the crosshair player name to be the current class instead of the latched class. * Fixed: wm_sayPlayerClass now announces the latched class correctly, even when using class swithcer. * Fixed: If map voting was enabled but g_mapVoteFlags 4 was not enabled. It was possible to issue multiple votes by hand using /mapvote command. * Fixed: debriefing screen buttons didn't handle highlight theme parameter properly. * Fixed: The output of finger command didn't show warnings if there were more than 2 in total. * Fixed: UI crash in menu (http://mygamingtalk....rashes-in-menu/) * Fixed: Minor bug with g_maxPanzerSuicides introduced in 0.8.0. If panzer suicides were disallowed completely, the player was not informed about it. * Fixed: g_muteRename allowed to change the name when player used /reconnect (http://mygamingtalk....g-g-muterename/) * Fixed: When unmuting/muting during intermission/warmup, the mute wasn't saved. * Fixed: cg_effectDistance was affecting the played sounds. * Fixed: g_classWeapons not working for class command (http://mygamingtalk....-fully-working/) * Fixed: class command not handling secondary weapon parameter properly, it didn't influence the limbo menu, e.g. /class s 3 2 wouldn't select akimbo pistols or SMG as secondary in limbo. * Fixed: switching problem with double SMG (http://mygamingtalk....aving-two-smgs/) * Improved: If player is completely dead in the game, the scoreboard shows the player's latched class to other team members. * Improved: UI tabbing to edit field makes it focused. * Improved: limbo weapons menu for soldier class. * Improved: sort order of the map vote menu map list. Without formatting it.
  13. One possibility would be to override the !panzerwar command with a custom command so that it will set the custom damages after the command has been issued. EDIT: If you're starting the panzerwar with config, you will need to use Lua hook on the start of the map to set the damages. Implementing http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Lua#et_RunFrame callback will probably work fine. You only need to make sure it changes the damage values only once.
  14. Enabling panzerwar sets the g_dmgPanzer to 133 and g_panzersSpeed to 2000. You can change these values after the war is set.
  15. I couldn't reproduce the problem of no fall off damage without the flag 2 set. It was correctly falling to 50 percent. Though the curve is very steep when it kicks in. The stricter damage fall off seems to be intentionally set to that way. I don't know if it is useful option to anyone, but I don't think it is usefull to set it to replicate the default either.
  16. 3 HP is wrong. I also added the g_debug cvars to the Wiki.
  17. Silent mod doesn't alter these values. But they can be changed by forcecvar and sv_cvar by server admins. Values that keep the altered values even after leaving the server, could be a bug in the implementation. I know latched values are a bit problematic when server admins are forcing them. A reason for an admin to force cl_yawspeed can be to prevent 180 degree turn scripts.
  18. I'm glad you got it solved. Regarding the autoexec.cfg, silent mod and probably all mods do execute it. But if it gets executed depends on how you launch the game. To execute autoexec.cfg from the silent folder, you must start the ET directly into the silEnT mod. I.e. using the fs_game setting on the command line.
  19. Sorry, I didn't read the question carefully and the example was a redundant command anyway. This should work for your case. exec = putteam "[n]" sI'm not sure if it needs the '!' in front or not. Be sure you have the "-characters in place. That way the command will not get confused if the name includes spaces in between.
  20. You can put into exec anything that you can do with rcon. Might work for placing one player to spec, but I didn't test this. exec = !putteam "[1?]" s
  21. Don' forget to read the documentation http://mygamingtalk.com/wiki/index.php/Silent_Shrubbot#shrubbot.cfg
  22. If it runs ok then I think it is sorted for now. I was just curious to find out what was the cause of it. If you like to test a server, I think creating a separate server instance is better. That way your user configs don't get overwritten by the server.
  23. That is incorrect and you know it as you have made your own AC dlls too. Any admin can run any code on any players computer and the situation is even worse if the program is running as an admin. Malicious code in our mod would be easily tracked to us. That is not the case for every server out there that might have their malicious codes in add on pk3s. However, I never recommend running the mod as an admin even if it is directly from us. There is no reason for the silEnT mod to require admin privileges. The engine does not need admin privileges either as long as it can write to the folders it unpacks the zip files and can write the player configs.
  24. This is a bad advice. Only reason to run the game as an admin is the lack of permissions to write to the "Program Files" folder. Better solution is to install(copy) the game outside of the Program Files tree. Outside of all system directories of course.
  25. No. The mod is just not getting started as a server. Are you sure you have the qagame.dll in the silent folder. It probably got cleaned when you deleted the other dll files.
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